? 复宏汉霖H药小细胞肺癌数据亮眼 国产创新药大放异彩_新闻动态_新闻及媒体资源_EBET易博网站集团


复宏汉霖H药小细胞肺癌数据亮眼 国产创新药大放异彩

发布时间:2023-05-30 内容来源于: 浏览量:


2022年5月30日,复宏汉霖(2696.HK)宣布,公司首个创新药产品H药 汉斯状®(斯鲁利单抗)的多项临床研究将在2022年美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO)年会进行发布。一项H药针对一线广泛期小细胞肺癌(ES-SCLC)的国际多中心III期临床研究(ASTRUM-005)获选为口头报告,该研究由吉林省肿瘤医院程颖教授担任主要研究者。这也将是中国自主研发的抗PD-1单抗首次在肺癌领域以口头报告形式在ASCO年会进行汇报,充分展现出中国医药企业的创新生物𝓀药领先的研发能力和国际临床运营实力。ꦬ详细研究数据将在6月5日进行公布,敬请期待。



? ASTRUM-005





报告时间:2022年6月5日,9:57 AM - 10:09 AM 美国中部夏令时













目前,公司H药针对ES-SCLC的上市注册申请(NDA)已获国家药监局受理,有望成为全球首个一线治疗SCLC的抗PD-1单抗。H药联合化疗近期也被《2022 CSCO小细胞肺癌诊疗指南🎐》推荐作为♎ES-SCLC一线疗法,是对H药临床疗效及安全性的高度认可。此外,H药用于SCLC治疗也于近期获得美国FDA授予的孤儿药资格认定(Orphan-drug Designation),公司亦计划于2022年在欧盟递交H药针对ES-SCLC适应症的上市注册申请。



据统计,中国每年新发MSI-H肿瘤患者逾30万,其中部分患者缺乏有效治疗,目前我国鲜有针对MSI-H晚期实体瘤获批的PD-1抑制剂,临床治疗需求远未被满足,H药的获批为众多实体瘤患者带去新的治疗选择。ASTRUM-010为一项针对MSI-H实体瘤的单臂、多中心、关键性II期临床研究,该试验的主要终点为独立影像评估委员会(IRRC)依据RECIST v1.1标准评估的客观缓解率(ORR)。该项临床试验结果曾分别于2021年ASCO年会、2021年CSCO年会上发布次ASCO年会上将公布该研究的更新数据研究结果表明,H药单药治疗既往标准治疗失败的、不可切除或转移性MSI-♓H实体瘤获益显着,达到预设的主要终🐈点标准,且具有良好的安全性和耐受性。



关于H药 汉斯状®

H药 汉斯状®为重组人源化抗PD-1单🌞抗注射液(通用名:斯鲁利单抗注射液),是复宏汉霖首个自主研发的创新型单抗,目前1项适应症获批上市,2项适应症上市申请获受理,9项临床试验同步在全球开展。

2022年3月,H药正式获批用于治疗微卫星高度不🌃稳定(MSI-H)实体瘤。围绕H药,复宏汉霖积极推进其与公司其他产品的协同以及与创新疗法的联合,相继获得中国、美国、欧盟等国家及地区的临床试验许可,在全球同步开展9项肿瘤免疫联合疗法临床试验,广泛覆盖肺癌、食管癌、头颈鳞癌和胃癌等适应症,全面覆盖肺癌一线治疗。截至目前,H药已于中国、土耳其、波兰、格鲁吉亚等国家和地区累计入组超2800人,其中2项国际多中心临床试验入组高加索人种的比例超过30%,是拥有国际临床数据较多的抗PD-1单抗之一。H药联合化疗治疗局部晚期或转移性鳞状非小细胞肺癌(sqNSCLC)和一线治疗广泛期小细胞肺癌(ES-SCLC)的NDA已获得NMPA受理并入选《2022 CSCO小细胞肺癌诊疗指南》作为ES-SCLC治疗推荐。此外,其治疗小细胞肺癌(SCLC)也已获得美国FDA孤儿药资格认定。公司亦计划于2022年在欧盟递交ES-SCLC的上市注册申请,有望成为全球首个一线治疗SCLC的抗PD-1单抗。在一线治疗食管鳞癌领域,H药联合化疗III期研究也已达到双主要研究终点。




Three Clinical Studies of Novel Anti-PD-1 mAb Serplulimab will be Presented on 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting

Shanghai, China, May 30th, 2022?– Shanghai Henlius Biotech, Inc. (2696.HK) announced that three?clinical studies of HANSIZHUANG?(serplulimab), an anti-PD-1 mAb?independently developed by Henlius, will be presented at 2022?American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting. ASTRUM-005, an international randomized phase 3 study of serplulimab as first-line treatment for extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC) was selected as an oral presentation by ASCO committee. The leading principal investigator is Professor Ying Cheng from Jilin Cancer Hospital. Serplulimab is the first China-developed anti-PD-1 mAb which will be presented orally at ASCO Annual Meeing in lung cancer. More?detailed results?of?ASTRUM-005 will be released on June 5th.

Meanwhile, the updated results from the phase 2 study (ASTRUM-010) of ♍serplulimab in patients with microsatellite instability-high or mismatch repair-deficient (MSI-H/dMMR) solid tumors was selected as a p🎉oster for the second time.?ASTRUM-010?was co-led by Professor Shukui Qin from Qinhuai Medical Area, Eastern Theater General Hospital of PLA China and Professor Jin Li from Shanghai East Hospital, Tongji University. Based on the study results of?ASTRUM-010, serplulimab has been approved for the treatment of MSI-H solid tumors by NMPA.

ASCO Annual Meeting is one of the most influential and important oncology congresses all over the world, aimed to display the latest advances in clinical oncology researches and therapeutic technologies for tumor treatment. The 2022?ASCO Annual Meeting will be held from June 3rd?to June 7th?CDT.?Details of three studies are as follows:

? ASTRUM-005

Title:?Serplulimab, a nove💃l anti-PD-1 antibody, plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone as first-line treatment for extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer: An international randomized phase 3 study (Abstract No. 8505)

Leading PI:??Ying Cheng, Jilin Cancer Hospital

Form:?Oral presentation

Session:?Oral Abstract Session/ Lung Canc😼er—Non-Small Cel𝔉l Local-Regional/Small Cell/Other Thoracic Cancers

Presentation Time:?June 5, 2022, 9:57 AM - 10:09 AM CDT


Title:?Updated efficacy and s♏afety results from the phase 2 study of serplulimab, a novel anti-PD-1 antibody, in patients with previously treated unresectable or metastatic microsatellite i🧜nstability-high or mismatch repair-deficient solid tumors (Abstract No. 2592)

Co-Leading PI:?Shukui Qin, Qinhuai Medical Area, Eastern Theater General Hospital of PLA 💧China; Jin Li, Shanghai East Hospital, Tongji University


Time:?June 3, 2022, CDT

??Phase 1 study on solid tumors

Title:?A phase 1 study of serplulimab, a novel humanized monoclonal anti-PD-1 antibo☂dy, in patients with advanced solid tumors (Abstract No. e14560)


Being a breakthrough iꦬn SCLC treatment, serplulimab shows the power of Chinese innovation

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) accounts for 15%–20% of all cases and is the most aggressive t🗹ype of lung cancer. It is classified into two stages: limited stage (LS-SCLC) and ES-SCLC, with both exhibiting high malignancy, strong invasiveness, early metastasis, fast disease progression, and a poor prognosis. The advent of immune che😼ckpoint inhibitors has been proved to bring hope to patients with ES-SCLC.

ASTRUM-005?is a randomized, double-blind, international, multi-center, phase 3 clinical study?that aims to compare the efficacy and safety of HANSIZHUANG with placebo when combined with chemotherapy (carboplatin-etoposide) in previously untreated patients with ES-SCLC. This study has set up a?total of 128 sites in China, Turkey, Poland, Georgia, etc.?and൲ enrolled 585 subjects from 114 sites, among whom 31.5% were Caucasian. In December 2021, ASTRUM-005 had met its primary study endpoint of the overall survival (OS) in the interim analysis and?demonstrated HANSIZHUANG with a manageable safety profile. The global clinical data lays a solid foundat🌞ion for future applications across the world.

Previously, t♔he NDA of HANSIZHUANG for the treatment of ES-SCLC has been accepted by NMPA. Recently, HANSIZHUANG was recommended by the 2022 CSCO Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treaဣtment of SCLC for the treatment of ES-SCLC,?stating the highly recognition for the efficacy?and security?of HANSIZHUANG. In addition, the FDA has granted orphan drug designation to HANSIZHUANG for treatment of SCLC, and Henlius also plans to file MAA on ES-SCLC in the EU in 2022.

The differentiated?MSI-H indication, "Pan-cancer"?treatment benefits a broader patient population

It is estimated that there are more than 300,000?new MSI-H tumor cases in China every year, and some patients?lack?effective treatment.?Furthermore, there are few PD-1 inhibitors approved for MSI-H?advanced solid tumors in China currently. The clinical treatment demand is far from being met.?ASTRUM-010 is a single-arm, multi-center, pivotal phase 2 clinical study. The primary efficacy endpoint was objective response rate (ORR) assessed by independent radiological review committee (IRRC) per RECIST v1.1. This study results have been presented at the 2021 ASCO annual meeting and the 2021 CSCO annual meeting. At 2022 ASCO, we will present its updated data.?The study has?met?its prܫimary endpoint and?brought?significant benefits to unresectable or metastatic MSI-H solid tumors patients who?have failed to respond to previous standard treatments with?good safety and tolerability.

In the future, Henlius will keep focusing on patient needs and inspire more "made-by-Henlius"?products with efficient and innovative in-house capabilit💝ies, aiming to provide highest quality solutions and services for patients in China and across the world and to build a national brand in biopharmaceutical industry.


🅠 HANSIZHUANG (recombinant humanized anti-ꩵPD-1 monoclonal antibody injection, generic name: serplulimab injection) is the first innovative monoclonal antibody developed by Henlius. Up to date, 1 indication is approved for marketing in China, 2 NDAs have been accepted by the NMPA, and 9 clinical trials are ongoing across the world.

HANSIZHUANG was approved by the NMPA for the treatment of MSI-H solid tumors in March 2022 and actively promotes its synergy with in-house products of the company and innovative therapies. It has successively obtained clinical trial licenses in China, the United States, the European Union andꦏ other countries and regions to initiate 9 clinical trials on immuno-oncology combination thera🦹pies worldwide in a wide variety of indications, such as lung cancer, esophageal carcinoma, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and gastric cancer, etc., and covering the full range of first-line treatments of lung cancers. As of now, the company has enrolled more than 2,800 subjects in China, Turkey, Poland, Georgia and other countries and regions, and the proportion of Caucasian is over 30% in two MRCTs, making HANSIZHUANG an anti-PD-1 mAb with one of the largest global clinical data pools. The NDAs of the treatment for squamous non-small cell lung cancer (sqNSCLC) and the first-line treatment of extensive small-cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC) have been accepted by the NMPA. Furthermore, HANSIZHUANG was recommended by the 2022 CSCO Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) for the treatment of ES-SCLC and was also granted orphan drug designation by the FDA for treatment of SCLC. The MAA of ES-SCLC is expected to be filed in the EU in 2022, which makes HANSIZHUANG potentially the world’s first anti-PD-1 mAb for the first-line treatment of SCLC.?In?the field of?esophageal squamous cell carcinoma,?the phase 3 clinical trial of HANSIZHUANG?in combination with chemotherapy has met the co-primary endpoints.

About Henlius

Henlius (2696.HK) is a global biopharmaceutical company with the vision to offer high-quality, affordable and innovative biologic medicines for patients worldwide with a focus on oncology, autoimmune diseases and ophthalmic diseases. Up to date, 5 products have been launched in China, 1 in Europe, 13 indications approved worldwide, and 2 New Drug Application (NDA) accepted for review in China. Since its inception in 2010, Henlius has built an integrated biopharmaceutical platform with core capabilities of high-efficiency and innovation embedded throughout the whole product life cycle including R&D, manufacturing a🉐nd commercialization. It has established global innovation centers and Shanghai-based manufacturing facilities in line with global Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), including Xuhui Plant certificated by China a🅷nd the EU GMP and Songjiang First Plant certificated by China GMP.

Henlius has pro-actively built a diversified and high-quality product pipeline covering over 20 innovative monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and has continued to explore immuno-oncology combination therapies with proprietary HANSIZHUANG (anti-PD-1 mAb) as backbone. Apart from the launched products HANLIKANG (rituximab), the first China-developed biosimilar, HANQUYOU (trastuzumab, trade name in Europe: Zercepac®), the first China-developed mAb biosimilar approved both in China and Europe, HANDAYUAN (adalimumab) and HANBEITAI (bevacizumab), the innovative product HANSIZHUANG has been approved by the NMPA for the tre🧸atment of MSI-H solid tumors and its NDA for the treatment of squamous no𒁏n-small cell lung cancer and extensive small-cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC) are under review. What's more, Henlius has conducted over 20 clinical studies for 12 products and 10 combination therapies.


